If you are interested in becoming a member of our union or just want to know more about the benefits of union membership in your workplace, visit us at 113 University Place (corner of 13th Street) 2nd Floor in NYC or call us at 212-460-0800.
Contact Local 1-L organizer Chris Sclafani
212-460-0800 or csclafani@litho.org
“Employees shall have the right to form, join, or assist labor organizations (unions), to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing….”
– National Labor Relations Act, Sec. 7
Under the law, the government guarantees your right to:
Organizing a shop to become unionized involves several steps:
Talk to your coworkers about their thoughts on unionizing. Identify key allies who are interested in organizing.
Hold meetings with interested coworkers to discuss goals, concerns, and strategies. Develop a plan for organizing.
Gather signed authorization cards from coworkers expressing their support for union representation. These cards are used to demonstrate majority support to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB).
Once you have enough support, file a petition for a union representation election with the NLRB.
Launch a campaign to educate coworkers about the benefits of union representation and encourage them to vote in favor of unionization.
Hold the NLRB-supervised election. If the majority of workers vote in favor of union representation, the union becomes the official bargaining representative for the workers.
The newly formed union and the employer will negotiate a contract outlining the terms and conditions of employment.
Once negotiations are complete, the contract is presented to workers for ratification. If approved, it becomes legally binding.
Stay involved in the union and participate in ongoing activities to ensure that the contract is enforced and workers’ rights are protected.
Key benefits of membership in Local One-L include:
Stay up to date with Local One-L.
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